Guy can be contacted on (02) 8875 7500 or via email Guy Riddle  if you would like further information on helpful IT Support.

To register your interest in the Sydney User Group, please click here to complete the registration form.


Meetings are held at the Microsoft office at North Ryde in one of the ground floor presentation theatres.  Please register at reception first.

Meetings start at 6pm and we aim to be finished by 8pm at the latest.

If coming by car please do not park in the underground car park as it will be locked by the time the meeting is over.

Please be kind enough to RSVP if you are attending so we can confirm numbers for seating and catering.

Meeting Dates
Date Agenda topics
24th February ·         Chris Auld (MVP) will share his insights on Customer Portals & business models & CRM Workflows

·         Bill Altmann – Form base Javascript

·         Enterprise Search ‘accelerator’

24th March Understanding ‘Titan’:

Go behind the scenes of the Titan Project (aka. CRM 4.0) with Microsoft’s Philip Richardson as he shares the strategy, motivations, process and architecture behind the product. The content of the session will be aimed at both End Users and Developers.



Philip Richardson was a Senior Program Manager Lead on CRM 4.0. He now works on the Azure Services Platform (.NET Services). He is one of the co-authors of Programming Dynamics CRM 4.0 (MS Press).

28th April Taming the Import Wizard Beast: Save Time Importing Data

Learn some of the tricks in using the Import Wizard from importing multilingual data through to how to clean your data for efficient imports. While very useful and powerful, the import wizard has some pitfalls for the uninitiated, some of which will be addressed in the 20 minute presentation. The presentation will be aimed at end users and implementers.


Leon Tribe is a CRM consultant who has been working with CRM systems for 10 years and with Dynamics CRM since 1.0 beta. Leon was originally a quantum physicist but finds the problems of businesses much more challenging than the problems of the universe.

26th May ·         TBC
23th June ·         TBC